Book Articles



It takes 21 days to develop a habit. How willing are you to put the next 21 days of your lives in a much productive way now that you are locked inside your house!?

Here is what I have planned for myself for the next 21 days. I would love if you could join me with this #21DaysRaeding idea and read more. Otherwise we would end up eating and sleeping more which, I bet, isn’t really productive, is it?

Various Ebooks are available for free. If you aren’t able to find one, drop me a message. I Have thousands of Ebooks. I’ll share the ones you need or help you to find a book for you.

Here are few specifications –


Select 21 books. Read 1 book every day. The book can be as short as 100 pages. As long as you are reading good books, the number of pages doesn’t matter. I am going to select books with 120-150  pages long depending on my reading skill and other works I’m committed to.


If you are working full time from home and also have to look after various other things, stick to reading atleast 21 pages everyday. This is not a competition but is a try to make a productive use of our time.

By the end of the 21st day, you might have finished a big fat book of 400 pages or so!


The idea is to read for 21 days. It is to read more and read regularly. To give you one of the best reasons why you must read books – Reading light ups new ideas and also improves you knowledge and improves your language.

Ask non-readers to take up this lock-down situation as an opportunity to develop a  habit of reading and finding which genre interests them. You can never be alone if you are in the company of a good book.

This is one of the reasons why I am not afraid to get myself locked-down with hundreds of books lying around to be read and learn from it. 

  • Select short books from your shelf

Books less than say 100 pages .. or 150 pages. Ebooks are easily available these days. If you can’t find a book, don’t order it right now, search for an Ebook. If you can’t find one, message me, I’ll help you with it.

  • Number doesn’t matter

The very reason I decided to read 21 books is because I have many short books on my shelf which are lying unread. That’s what I have targeted for myself. If you are able to read atleast 3 books when you are quarantined, you will be doing much better than those who aren’t reading at all.

  • How do we connect?

Use #21Days21Books  #21Days21Pages  #21DaysReading – all of them or whichever falls fit for you.

I will be a DM away to talk and discuss a particular book.

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Please don’t order a new book, download an Ebook if you don’t have books. This is no time to buy a new book and start an entire chain of human contact when we are in a nation-wide lock-down to avoid human contact.

Comment below, share this post and share the word! I really wish to see non-readers taking up this particular challenge to start reading regularly. Let’s develop a new hobby of reading!

– Kinjal Parekh

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Kinjal Parekh

A finance girl trapped inside Sylvia Plath's mind and Albert Camus' world. Hi! I’m Kinjal Parekh from Mumbai, India and I love to read books. When I started with my book blog, I did not realize that my passion to read would open doors for me to diversify my reading picks, discover new authors and start my own YouTube channel. So here is where you will find everything related to books and otherwise! Book reviews, book recommendations and a little bit about my days and months in general. They read much like my own public journal entry. Feel free to contact me for collaborations, promotions or just to discuss a book or two. Hope you found home in between lines and pages like I did. ❤️✨

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