Review Policy

Book Review Policy Kinjal Parekh Blogger India

Book review Policy

I honestly appreciate all the time you dedicated to write and publish your book. However, I cannot accept all review requests. Following are the circumstances when I would not be accepting review copies –

1. If I am busy with other commitments and cannot add-on any more assignments or projects. In this case, I will notify you via email if you have filled the contact form.

2. If your book is self-published.

3. If it is an E-book.

Timeline and the Rating System

It usually takes me 7 days to finish reading a 250 to 300 pages long book. However, everyday is not the same. To give you an estimate, I will update the review on agreed media platform within 12 to 15 days. The reviews are rated out of 5 stars and here is what they mean –

Highly Recommended
Brilliant Read
Average (Find a cheaper copy / Secound hand Book or an ebook)
Not Recommended
Skip This Read

While Filling the contact form

While filling the contact form, kindly mention the name of the book along with the synopsis. If you could link it to the amazon or goodreads page, that would be great!

End Note

I really do not like to put out a negative review but I have to be honest to my readers and to myself. Please note that a negative review does not mean that the book is horrible but simply that the book wasn’t for me. If I think that a separate set of audience might enjoy your book (even if I didn’t), I will mention the same in my reviews. I will always be very transparent with my views on a particular book which I read. I promise an honest review and not a positive review.

Lastly, I do not do any paid review projects.

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